
I think the 'scoop' can wait 2 minutes for the author to read over the article to briefly check for spelling mistakes. A spelling mistake here or there is fine...it happens to everyone, even professional editors, but the cluster-f in this article is near impossible to miss in a quick read-through before pushing that

The first 'modern rockets' - the V1 and V2 - were of German design. They used to bombard England during WWII.

Why does the article say narrowly avoided? Shouldn't it say something along the lines of "German projectile misses China, Engineers back to drawing board" ?

Carrier has arrived!

All that for only 20 MW? Wow...that's _great_ . Why doesn't everyone have these?

Which attitude would that be?

Except now you can't wait near the gates...

I never said it was leaving print, simply remaining in print. In this day and age, it's just people who paid a bunch of money for fancy, expensive gadgets whining over the fact that it's 'restricted' in some form or another because someone else chose to do what they wanted with their intellectual property. It's not

Is it now "Gizmodo : Editorial Blog Somewhat Related to Gadgetry, for Hipsters" ? How is it an embarrassment that the book is staying in print? Is it an embarrassment that the Mona Lisa wasn't done in Photoshop and put on Flickr? Is it an embarrassment that Michelangelo didn't make all of his statues in CAD first and

A lot of the desks where I work can raise/lower to whatever position you want them in. The standup desk is awesome when you have to have a few people crowding around to see something on your screen, but in general I prefer the sitting desk when really focusing on something.

So it's not a console and not an Apple...therfore it's bad. The bias is so well hidden...

Ever wonder how any company sets their warranties? Limited warranties are designed to expire right before the probability of a device breaking starts to shoot up. It's a marketing gimmick that is helpful to the 10% of people who actually have to use it, but a ripoff to the other 90%.

The only solution it really solves is air leakage through the wall of the tires over time...which, running a hand pump every couple days works just fine. It's not really a problem. For your average consumer or person that doesn't bike often, typically the tire is too flat to even be ridable without killing the tube

I've seen it here before as well...though different guy apparently

I dunno, I saw an episode of wife swap over here in Germany and one set of parents pretty much made a slave out of their kid while they played video games all day. Would have her get them drinks, clean stuff, and for two hours every day she had to go to her room so mom and dad could have "private time." It was rather

You can shoot single slugs out of normal shotgun...though the proper term for them escapes me at the moment.

@The Laughing Man: I don't think I've ever laughed that hard. At first I thought it was just people making jokes, but HOLY CRAP

While I have seen soda cheaper in supermarkets, I find that the price is too volatile to be practical. When all is said and done, I typically end up paying the same buying with the high and low prices at the supermarket as I do buying at the typically constant price at the club. Going to the club just saves trips.

"558 pounds for each cubic f_oo_t of metal"

Gas isn't going to fix the fat problem. Most people can't even feasibly walk to work, at least beyond the distance from the front door to the car, and the car in the company parking lot to the main entrance. Americans need to eat less crap that isn't cooked in fat, marinated with fat, and served alongside fat.