
@brass2themax: Kinect, honestly, isn't supposed to be a groundbreaking/society changing technology. Don't get me wrong, it's extremely cool and provides a lot of new stuff, but in all honesty, it's more of a diving board for whatever comes next.

@d1gw33d: Can't do much about that, now, can I? Anyone driving down my street could do it. I could come out and ask politely if you wouldn't, and that's about what all these people have done.

@Norbs: A system that millions of people go through daily is going to have it's kinks and issues. The fact the media is having a field day with it is irrelevant and stupid. No matter what the new system is if/when it's implemented, there will be similar issues.

@gr8wayn: I think the bomb sniffing dogs are too picky about hazard pay and the dental benefits. They've been on strike for quite a while so the TSA has had to utilize new methods.

C4 breast implants anyone?

I can think of a good number of legitimate reasons a person might want their house blurred, but to be honest, who cares what the reason is? It's their decision, not yours, and they don't give a rat's rear end about what you think.

How do we know that we're not antimatter and we're actually chasing normal matter? Hm?

@The Anti-Fanboy: I think all of that can be simplified down to...

@rick23: They've posted funny yet sadly true comics before, why are you getting your panties all in a bunch over this one?

@Mishegoss: Isn't false advertising illegal? That's the issue here. You're not getting just a smooshier burger than the ad, it is nothing like what's pictured in the ad - nowhere even close. Granted, not every burger is exactly the same and won't have every ingredient shaped and positioned and gleaming the same way,

A disk failure? A quick explanation on what that actually means.

@junior ghoul: They share the same brain...we can barely cut up one person's brain right now. Un-networking these two's brains, cutting them up, and making one brain for each would be pretty much impossible, and would probably kill them.

@NeVeRMoRe666: most non-engineering schools use macs...we have linux and windows mostly at my college...even in the non-engineering parts it's mostly windows with a "mac user section" somewhere in the back

Much needed laugh. Yes I have obese friends, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to find this funny.

Apparently none of them have seen a turbojet engine before...or a GE90 engine...let alone the power outputs of any of them...

@stryder100: superb book, I wish I had a feed to make whatever I wanted whenever I wanted...

I'd have to say though, vegetarians/vegans make the cheapest dinner dates...apart from flat out not having a date...

Whenever I buy a game rated T or higher from target or a similar store, I'm asked for my driver's license. I'm assuming if I wasn't over the suggested age on the box, they'd say "Sorry, you're not old enough" just like I would be told "Sorry, you're not old enough to enter into this R rated movie"