
I don't quite get why the hands have to be so huge...is it a balance thing?

Built for stability, but I'm sure even in my shaky hands I could crank out some pretty awesomely (/sarcasm) blurred pictures.

The middle class is also screwing itself over. Technical training of some kind - art, business, science, etc. - is pretty much required for a decent job already. Put that on top of the mindset that someone is "too good" to work at McDonald's or something, and you have a recipe for disaster.

@2 replies: It doesn't make them a scientist, and of course you can pretty much say that anything is bad for you if taken out of moderation, whatever moderation for said thing is.

If it's an Earth-like planet, and, taking a giant leap, let's assume Zarminians exist...

@junior ghoul: its just different colored rubber so you can actually find where it is

@junior ghoul: I believe that's what the person breathes through...

@podspawn: I can say that about any household item when used incorrectly. When done right, nuclear power is actually extremely safe.

"Go to toronto.ca 'backslash' ewaste for more info"

@2 replies: I guess it's more of a misunderstanding what size "droplet" is. Reading that, albeit improperly, I was envisioning some silica molecule surrounding a water molecule rather than a layer of silica surrounding a ton of water. Good analogy though ^^

Doesn't "Each water droplet is surrounded by modified silica" imply that it's more of a 1:1 ratio? (OK, not exact, but close enough) How is that anywhere near 95% water?

@Odin: They believed it because it was, well, the NYT...which is a pretty stupid reason, but hey, can't fix stupid

@NotSure2010: This isn't politics, it's philanthropy. Since when does the definition of philanthropy include forced?

@reddingofish: I'm pretty sure anyone with the know-how to make billions isn't a moron, and if they're giving it away they're going to be darn sure of who's getting it. This isn't the government.

@Donuthead: True, but then there's the fuzzy gray area. I have seen some artists do some crazy things with some of the most random tools in Photoshop.

What's wrong with just drinking from the garden hose?

"Clearly define when a Photoshopped photo is being used."

@Asbestos_Underwear: In all honesty, when you spend a minute clicking a unit like that, what else do you expect it to say? Of course they're going to put easter eggs in it like that, and they change some words around so they can't get sued.

It doesn't sound so much as 'destroying' the uncertainty principle...more like just 'going around' it.