Thanks! I will.
Thanks! I will.
I realized after the fact that I should have included that others who’ve spoken about McCartney, e.g. George Harrison, John Lennon, etc. have said clearly at different times that his public persona and who he was with people in private were very different. (of course, they had their own persona-games, too.)
Why is asking for their to be less generalizing and more precision, in order to deal with the problem, instead of willy-nilly punishing for it, such an issue? Needing defensive arguments and dismissal?
Exasperation expressed in a hyperbolic over-the-top comment is not bigotry. It’s silly. It’s pointless. It’s useless and unhelpful. Because it’s generalizing. But that is just being over-the-top.
Nobody’s perfect.
Paul McCartney is determined to win the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame tontine.
The entertaining thing for me about Paul McCartney is how he created this “hail, fellow! well met!” public persona. Very bloke-y and old-fashioned self-effacing working class English. It’s like watching a music hall version of a type of English man circa 1940. And if you’ve seen him in certain interviews or public…
Like you’re real.
*shrug* We don’t care.’s a rumour that I’m having fun with.
FLY! Fly above the haters!
I swear to god, all I want is a BLT now.
Gwyneth? Natalie?
She’s giving We’re-Remaking-”Pretty Woman”-With-Kim Kardashian-Let’s-Try-Some-Poor-Streetwalker-Ensembles-Out realness.
No. It’s worse. They know the men they are trying to attract/please so they can get money are mentally still 12.
Bodily confidence is great.
Looking terrible as usual.
Seriously, I’ve seen waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many amateur porn sites with pics of guys just trying to change or shower or even pee in peace but have a hidden camera somewhere nearby filming them, to ever feel totally comfortable in a gym changing room again.
How can you be a woman raised in Western society in the 20th/21st century and not know that photographing someone nude without their consent in a place they expect and deserve privacy and then publicizing that photo, is NOT just a bad idea but cruel for cruel’s sake? Especially another woman?
That’s not a mistake anymore than Brock Turner’s raping his victim was a “mistake”.