
She made it easy for that particular pack of idiots to forget she was black. Then she started talking publicly about real issues and-OH SHIT!-

Then log off.

I thought you were talking about your last reply about me being hilarious, which was directed at me. In any case, me telling you that no one cares about your Beyoncé opinions, doesn’t mean I care about your Beyoncé opinions or your opinion on anything for that matter. Nice try.

Lol. I’m not even a big Beyonce fan. I’ve literally have gotten shit on by the hive here for my Beyonce comments. However, the op’s comment was clearly looking for a fight with their stank holier than thou attitude.

No sweetheart, you responded directly at me, I just replied.

Who is having a stan war?

Is this your first day here? There are lots of people on Jez that don’t think Beyonce is the “second coming”.


No, you aren’t required to agree with every article posted on Jezebel or what everyone else thinks. So when you post a comment that disagrees with the main post (especially in a “come at me bro” tone), people are also allowed to disagree with you. It’s not that hard.

Like others here I have no dog in this race, but it’s kind of hilarious that you are pretending to just be expressing an opinion and not aggressively looking for a fight when you literally began this thread by saying “Sorry Beyoncé fans.” Girl, please.

I can tell you that this...


That’s why your bedroom door should have a lock. Your little cherubs will be surprised the first time they can’t barge into your room at will, but they’ll get over it. And you’ll get to actually finish a round of weekend morning sex for a change.

You’re not winning, and you’re not going to win this. Tuck your legs between your legs and go the fuck home with whatever dignity you have left, love. Thanks.

Think nothing of it. Less than nothing. It’s just what we do for each other.

I’m not pretending. If you don’t like it, fine. Don’t dismiss other people liking it as pretend.

Since you asked.

Since you asked and only since, as it is not in my nature to be forward with my thoughts on others... Let me frame for you what a third party might observe:

I felt bad for all of the Britney fans on the internet talking about how great Brit Brit was.... ummmmm... really? Cause this Beyonce girl can sing and dance and make amazing art at the same time... for 15 minutes straight... while your girl Brit just lip-syncs and kind of jiggles her ass.... I’m not a fangirl by any

If you can’t see someone else’s point of view even for a second, you are deeply stupid.