
Louis Comfort also made desk sets and inkwells. The early 20th century equivalent of having handmade Ipad covers covered in semi-precious gems.

He was ritually killed and embalmed to join his mistress in her sarcophagus.


Everything is relative. Sorry you’re broke.

It was SUPPOSED to be shitty, though. A childish song for a childish movie, now held up as a classic by childish adults.

They’re musical Hot Topic.

This reminds me of those shitty remakes of songs like “Faith” or “Smooth Criminal” by sniggering nu-metal bands. “It’s from the 80s, haw haw HAW.”

Old-school homosexual Euro-influenced midwestern aesthete. They don’t, they can’t, make them like him anymore. I’m of a generation a bit after his, so I know his references, what makes his tick. And he’s one of the last. Perhaps the last. Everybody around now are just attention whores, with no references, no aesthetic

It’ll all turn out to be a scam ginned up by Travelers, like on that one episode of Law and Order:Special Victims Unit.

I blame cheap flights.

Took all that “Annie” money and wile’d out, eh?

“Girlfriends Guide” turned into such a shitshow of epic proportions. Ugh.

Obviously enticed him with her tramp-y high collar.

Drink that Corden jizz on up. Get every drop in you.


Corden could be the anointed savior who’s dick drips a fountain of youth, it still wouldn’t explain why these stupid skits need to be reblogged, EXCEPT if money is involved.

That’s a GREAT song, you’re LUCKY to have it in you head.

If you already haven’t, you MUST see “The Lost Weekend”.


Hallucinations and imaginings are common. I know people who’ve been on anti-smoking meds that made them so paranoid and start to get hallucinations.