She’s 43?? I’m shocked. I always think of her as a kid.
She’s 43?? I’m shocked. I always think of her as a kid.
I hope to god Jezebel is getting paid for this publicity.
Won’t help. Zach Quinto stole his youth.
“And those gloves better be Prada.”
I’m proud of Miu Miu.
Everytime I hear this shit, I think, “Insurance scam”.
Taylor Lautner is gayer than Sylvester singing “Mighty Real” in sparkly caftan drag in a ‘70s discotheque being watched in ‘10s by a middle-aged queen while looking up sewing tips online and commenting on Jezebel.
Oh, my god, not again.
People who argue that it’s “common sense” for tourists are assholes.
Okay. They’ve killed a royal duke.
I’d rather eat your shit while dancing like Steppin’ Fetchit in front of the audience of “Ellen” in blackface for watermelon slices.
Guess what I won’t be reading?
After hearing about multiple guys around the world, who do this “service”, I have been increasingly concerned about how many fucking insane women their are in the world.
Why not Charlie Manson? He was pulling the same shit.