Trick probably thinks the affair they were likely having should count as time in assessing support.
Trick probably thinks the affair they were likely having should count as time in assessing support.
No. Naah. Nope.
I disagree. The number of rapes that happen and are reported everyday make clear that a LOT of those stories, some horrifying, don’t get reported, even by local news where they happen.
I remember they reported on the story back when it was first brought to public attention when they white rapists were arrested a couple of months or so back.
This is the thing I’m always trying to tell people who say they don’t get it: You don’t have to. Either it resonates with you or it doesn’t.
This is the thing I’m always trying to tell people who say they don’t get it: You don’t have to. Either it resonates with you or it doesn’t.
Taki (and his son) are the WORST.
Ripped from the headlines!
You first.
“I doubt that laws prohibiting this kind of thing could be passed, for reasons explained by other commenters here. Free speech, too much money involved, etc.”
“Microsoft is trying to change software for the better.”
Most people are just going to use wi-fi and avoid this altogether.
File under: Shit only moms believe.
“Ingenious”? “Techie”?
So many lies. And didn’t “Law and Order” do this scenario years ago? Yeah, they did. The female defendant was working the same “They raped me into helping them steal and then hang out with them for a bunch of time when they decided to do it again so I’d pick up supplies to help them murder a former co-worker”.
It’s a stupid campaign ginned up by stupid people.
I agree the texts are unfortunate, even indecent. But that’s it.
I agree the texts are unfortunate, even indecent. But that’s it. These clinics usually have protestors with signs and pics that equally indecent and meant to harass. But it’s not illegal for them to be there anymore than these texts are illegal.