Yeah, you think those three are the problem?
Yeah, you think those three are the problem?
Not really. It’s good he did it but, it’s not like he dropped names or did even a sliver of what Corey Feldman has done with the bombs he was dropping years ago on the pages of People magazine.
Thus why I wrote “Most people” wouldn’t be able to.
I’m right. I’m not afraid of it if it happens.
Oh, I’m sure he couldn’t do anything has blatant as I suggest. But, come on, he’s rich, he couldn’t figure some shit out?
History is the only shreds you need.
Guess who Bobby Finger is in this scenario?
And she won’t get it because the NRA will dispatch a very good lawyer to work pro-bono for this guy.
He did it on purpose.
“Vegan” =/= “strong moral code”
At last.
Even if he was President, we wouldn’t be “fucked”.
Belinda’s all, “Um...Jane..honey? We didn’t record “Walk Like An Egyptian” know that...right?”
Isn’t the point of being rich that, in the face of a bad situation, your money insulates you or allows you to do things others can’t?
It’s called overthinking, thank you very much.
I’m watching TV and they get to feed the penguins??
Aw, let Benny alone, he’s lisping more since not getting any sleep with the new baby.
NOBODY with a grain of sense or professional self-preservation, would write that xoJane piece even as a joke.