It’s real. There’s months worth of archived stories that, frankly, aren’t satiric reading to my eyes. This is her.
It’s real. There’s months worth of archived stories that, frankly, aren’t satiric reading to my eyes. This is her.
The FUNNY part is her “well connected family” could only help her get a job she writes about as if it was being a guard at Treblinka and tears down another woman simply because of her unhappiness at getting that job.
That kid needs some silicon.
Can most people whack it to that pic?
I’m waiting to hear how his “diva” behavior inconvenienced or even affected in the slightest way anyone else in that hospital.
He wants a private room, I don’t see a problem.
Considering this story even exists, I’d say, “don’t hold your breath”.
Notice: her eyes are DEAD.
I’m not.
These kinds of sites are designed for narcissists and sociopaths.
They managed to destroy (another) paradise.
This is exactly what I’m saying.
Pay for your own shit and I don’t care what you do.
“I’m not eating Oreos anymore, you know that. But neither is Chris,” Trump said. “You’re not eating Oreos anymore. No more Oreos. For either of us, Chris. Don’t feel bad, for either of us.”
Shrink the federal government til its just big enough to fit in our bedrooms and doctor’s offices.
50 years worth of video and TV performances, boo.
You’re an idiot. Bye.
No, I’ve always been grey with this user name. Sometimes I get ungreyed quicker than others.