
I read two pages of his bullshit (that's enough) and now I'm of the opinion that while his family may be dysfunctional, his need to put everything in public, not just his and his wife's decision to be non-monogamous, is part of the problem.

I thought Americans weren't allowed to legally travel and stay in Cuba unless with a cultural group?

It’s your Lil’ Baby Aidy!

“Carrie Bradshaw duo’s Escape from New York”

Geishas have a special place in Japanese society and culture and are something of a protected class, to my understanding. They're considered entertainers and exponents of Japanese traditional singing, music, and dancing. And they are VERY expensive to hire.

Sorry, the cover. "Memrise" is good. I loved to hear it finished or more refined, though.

I LOVED and LOVE this show. I've been binge watching it on Netflix since it came to them.

That left me cold when I heard it, actually. But, to each their own.

And don’t forget, people, the Evangelical and social conservative wing of the GOP wants every man to be the master of his house without the government intervening!

To which Noah responded, “God, Dad, shut up! I can fight my own battles, geez!”


Taylor Swift is one of the strongest exponents of feminism and girl-power we currently have in pop culture.

He loves weed. Because he hopes we’d be so busy getting high that we’d ignore all the stupid shit he does. It’s typical GOP: Distract, distract, distract.

He’s sucking money out of the suckers. That’s the agenda. That’s the game.

“The grift is ON! It’s on the streets!”

I like her but she’s a liar.

In part because of sexism. In part because of Diana. In part because she has nothing else to present to the media because her job is to be completely unobjectionable and bland and can’t even have a high profile has being behind a cause or charity.

Best First Lady EVER.