Now THAT'S some masterful passive-aggresiveness.
No, white people opened that can of worms, too.
I mean, I'm a misanthrope so pretty all of you people are pretty awful.
It's not misandry. I love men. But there's zero reason I would want, expect, or demand an all-male environment unless it's a restroom, a gym changing room, or a sexual situation.
If I was told some shit like that, I'd like to think I'd then go to or call up the fucker who said it and read him the riot act. Because I'd have nothing to lose.
The only time I want to only be around guys is at an orgy. Otherwise, it's not necessary.
I mean, REALLY.
Ugh, grow the fuck up. (not you, them.)
"The organiser of the dinner, Chi-Hua Chien, denied saying women would "kill the buzz", but conceded that the dinner was a male-only affair."
No, it looks like the pants aren't designed well.
Fuck your kitchens.
Bloody foreigners.
About fucking time.