
Just remember to do it ethically. Make sure the people who build your gingerbread house are paid a living wage.

When the supreme court ruling came down I messaged my best friend, who’s a gay man, and told him “Congratulations. Now you get the same shit from your mother as the rest of us.”

I fucking love how much she says fuck. Also, much appreciate her saying us childless women are brave. I get so many annoying comments about my lack of children...why don’t you have kids? When are you going to have kids? Don’t you want kids? What, you don’t have kids? Oh, you’ll change your mind, kids are the most

Of course it’s fucked up.

Coming from someone who voted for Sanders in the primary and gave him $150 of my own money.

Obviously. But an email is infinitely easier to leak than a phone call. Because if someone’s recording your phone calls you already have a massive problem, but an email is stored on multiple locations the second it’s sent and even deleting it doesn’t get rid of it.

We can still act holier than thou.

Fucking good. She should resign. It’s appalling that she leaked the questions from CNN, or that she even got them in the first place. And setting aside how stupid it was to leak things in general, she should at least have had the damn tradecraft to do it over the phone and not in a fucking email. And also, apparently

You don’t get to decide how I feel or where I stand on social issues. I bet you are a right wing troll who came here to harass people. STFU.

Lemme boil it down to one short summary:

Let me offer a wee bit of perspective.

I really hope I’m laughing at myself on Nov 9th... “what the fuck was i so worried about?!!?”

Going to go back through the comments section on nov 9th just to laugh at all the “omg it’s the apocalypse trump is totes gonna win now!!!” comments and laugh. If I’m wrong, someone can do the same to me, but considering millions of people have already voted I don’t see this changing shit.

Yet another reason right-wingers and conservatives are wrong about everything: If Clinton was a fraction of the super-villain that they make her out to be, Anthony Weiner would be nothing more than a rapidly-cooling grease stain right now.

Omg no, this is not about Bernie. The DNC did not steal the election from him. It wasn’t rigged in favor of Bernie & it’s not rigged in favor of Trump. Just no with the conspiracies.

This is a really dumb avenue to hump your Free Market gods.

So if the perception is that Uber is racist, whose fault is that? Society, for being sensitive to racism, or Uber, for not doing their due diligence in making sure the providers/drivers for their app don’t show their inner racism/sexism?

You got it

There is nothing mysterious about it. Set up your email on a computer with any of the mail programs on defaul settings it starts syncing everything on the server not just the unread messages.

Who gives a shit, so sick of the same bullshit coming up again and again. It’s like the 13 fucking hearings about Benghazi. I think Trump’s correspondence with Russia has much more bearing than this bullshit. Comey is in deep shit for withholding information about Trump and making false accusations towards Hillary.