
Unless I’m going away for a month, I will NEVER check baggage.

Unless you’re going to place without stores close, you can always buy some cheap undies and a couple of tees or polos or even dress shirts and shoes.

I hope no gets killed.

But there’s no background.

I’ll bet money he found out that some family members were invited and said, “Nope, no drama for me, thanks”, and dipped out. And he might have been one of a dozen groomsmen. He wasn’t the best man.

Or, his behavior is a reflection of the way his family is and he’s merely giving them treatment he’s seen them give others who displease them. Thus, beating them to the punch?

Nonetheless, Aaron Rodgers life sounds, uh, interesting.

“I know and have worked with women who never had a problem with wallets and change because they bought trousers or jackets with pockets. It’s not hard.”

Or buy clothes that have them.

People need to be told this stuff?

Rich, I would direct you to one of Verhoeven’s earlier works in Dutch film, “Spetters”.

It’s a Paul Verhoeven movie. And, I suppose, the exposure by people the age of Juzwiak is limited to his lighter newer fare.

It doesn’t have emotional resonance for a mass audience because we haven’t gotten to the stage of fully accepting it as a real thing, let alone one in which survivors have recognizable stereotypes in pop culture, like female rape victims do.

This is a big get for them. I understand their wanting to milk it.

Just keep Abby from driving high again and it’s all good, Glennon.

In real life, not movie life, things happen at random and without meaning—a rape is just a rape, a murder just a murder, without any kind of meta-analysis or social theory attached. And not every film about violence against women needs to be moralizing or taking some kind of stance, and, in fact, I’d prefer that.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Trump’s team are anti-government true believers. They thought it was all just technocrats and staff with no allegiance except to their jobs.

You laugh but that’s the truth, likely.