
Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?

Oh yeah, I mean that’s totally different since he’s someone you love and your intentions are good. I meant like random strangers telling me.

You know what I’ve decided? That I like so called echo chambers, like Jez, and I’ll admit it. The reason I say this is that no one argues in good faith. I love hearing differing opinions and sharing mine but Jesus fucking Christ everything is a damn gotcha moment for people. Even when I go on the concourse I’m

I’m a New York yankee who lives in Savannah now. People were discussing it on this vicious savannah gossip site. Someone quoted the shows intro “Viewers will go past the antebellum walls for an inside look into the posh society of Savannah...This hauntingly romantic city is filled with heirs and socialites who learned

THEY ARE NOT REOPENING THE INVESTIGATION! Stop with these misleading headlines and read Comey’s actual letter, a portion of which you posted here.

This! I couldn’t put my finger on why that picture makes me uncomfortable, but it’s that. He looks like someone who’d punch you for saying the wrong thing in that picture. Just rage under a surface glitter of clenched humour.

He was really quite beautiful as a young man. Now he’s like Dorian Gray.

did you guys know halloween is now like, a whole week long? different towns do their trick or treating on different, non halloween, nights? kids get to go trick or treating multiple times!! isn’t that nuts? i asked someone on my facebook about this and she was like “well if they all did it on halloween kids wouldn’t

The Michelle Obama gif of her rolling her eyes at Boehner has got to be one of my favorite things to come out of the Internet.

Honestly Senator, that comment didn’t get any traction in the debate. What makes you think it’ll do you any good here?

“Except we haven’t seen the movie yet, or even heard a real plot description as far as I know.”

During the course of the weekend, the protesters said they were engaged in peaceful protest, but they set up at least 2 roadblocks, illegally flew drones in the same airspace as a helicopter, and set up tents on private property. They have been arrested, but it is yet to be seen if they are convicted. They may all get

Balletomanes and actual ballerinas were quite steamed about what they viewed as “appropriation;”

Seriously. Like, the Heathers were the stereotypical Perfect Girls (tm) that everyone wanted to be and also hate ... so you could be happy that they were dead. I am kind of bummed that I’m supposed to be rooting for a white hetero couple to kill a black lesbian, a gender-queer guy, and a fat girl ...

SERIOUSLY. By making the movie’s outsiders the Mean Girls, they’re no longer outsiders, and it’s impossible to root for them because they’re the Mean Girls, so... we’re left with conventionally attractive, heteronormative, and socially adept people to root for? WAITAMINNIT.

...did I miss something? Who are Mathews, Scannell, and Field?

Did they have a brain tumor for breakfast?

As you point out, this is a comparison that only gets applied to women. I’ve yet to hear someone say they preferred Jagger over McCartney because his voice covered more octaves. ( It felt ridiculous even typing such a thing, that’s how unlikely it is.)

It’s often a thing in M/M relationships too.