As much as I wanna be all “Ahh screw em. They flaunt flaunt their wealth while as world goes to shot. Besides they probably have already replaced everything by now.”, I can’t bring myself to feel that way.
As much as I wanna be all “Ahh screw em. They flaunt flaunt their wealth while as world goes to shot. Besides they probably have already replaced everything by now.”, I can’t bring myself to feel that way.
We’re all, on some level, totally awful and just a multimillion-dollar house and a beautiful blue coat away from accidentally blowing up our lives on a whim like Frances.
Then you will be relinquished of your duties to comment about them! I can see your discussion history - for someone who is so sick of the Kardashians you sure do talk about them a lot.
Maybe you’re an asshole?
I can’t stop picturing Hillary Clinton kissing her fingers and pressing them to her wallet sized photo of Beyoncé for good luck before each speech. “We got this, Bey...who run the world?”
As someone who was at home during a home invasion, tied up, stuffed in my closet and threatened to be killed if the pin # for my debit card didn’t work, this is one of the few times I can sympathize with what a Kardasian is going through. Whatever your view on Kim and her family and how they do business, no one…
I like this idea. Pay them $7.25/hr and only allow access to enough to buy what they need in prison. Whatever is left over is given to them when they leave (assuming it’s not a life sentence). That way theyre not flat broke when they leave.
You win the internet for the day. Well, you and my 70 year old mother who literally just sent me this meme and told me to make a poster and “spread the word”
Keeping people busy is healthy. And we should definitely teach people employable skills. But work should not be mandated and they should still earn minimum wage, even if they cannot access that money while in prison. Prisoners are still people who have basic human rights and forced labor for less than a dollar a day…
I don’t want to be critical, but I think he is on point. You should have placed that info in the first paragraph , not deep in the third.
Had to stop reading to ask: Trump’s racism is subtle? Um...are you SURE? He is not at all subtle as far as I can see.
Interesting take. White people do love those “important films” that depict Black people as slaves, servants, and people fighing for basic civil rights, especially if there is lots of “important” violence against Black bodies. It solidifies the view of Black people in that inferior position, as well as justifies the…
probably because NBC doesn’t get to pick the nominees for president or determine who’s viable to be a candidate, but they can choose who they employ/put on tv
Well, considering I’m Black and almost every review I’ve read was written by Black people, including two Black historians, that is not an issue for me.
I have been a coincidental accidental observer of Billy Bush’s career since he was a radio DJ and I feel his personality is not suited for on camera. He should have stuck to radio.
Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.
Did Lochte kill someone? Last I had heard he was basically drunk and disorderly and filed a false report (whatever Brazil’s version of those charges is).
From my limited understanding of this case she didn’t shoot him while he was threatening or attacking her so stand your ground wouldn’t in general apply (though I don’t know all versions of the law) as it requires an active aggressor.
Weeelllllllll... The reason charges were brought is because she shot him while he was sleeping, so premeditation is key there. I think it’s pretty clear she tried everything she could before she came to the conclusion that killing the guy was her family’s only way out. We have laws, vengeance isn’t the answer, can’t…