Just need that (R) and any person with a future in politics will stand by you, because estate tax.
Just need that (R) and any person with a future in politics will stand by you, because estate tax.
Categorizing people into alphas and betas is such a beta move. You should archive your post so you can come back and re-read it the day you figure out that RedPill/MGTOW/MRA are singularly filled with insecure cucks who are, at best, pantomiming masculinity.
I honestly do not know if that is true — my sister in law is Utah Mormon and I swear Trump could shit on a freshly laundered basket of temple garments and she would just chirp, “Well who hasn’t erred among us? Forgiveness is the cornerstone of faith!” and vote for the stupid fucker. Because the Tea Party is all in…
I don’t know if this is exactly the same. She was entitled to the documents as part of her job, she just kept them in the wrong place. And she was the top of the food chain on that one.
Just did the math — I’ve been disgusted by Sean Penn for six years longer than his new girlfriend has been alive.
Tell me, Mary... Do you bleed?
She left because she had already taught George Banks how to be a better lover.
Trolley and Elroy rebut that statement.
“This is my aide, Dawson Twink.”
(BTW, I thought Lou Pearlman was dead.)
We’ll stop with the ageism when the Rolling Stones stop churning out shitty album after shitty album. It’s been over a quarter century since their music didn’t suck.
Good luck, Kate! Don’t blow it!
Exactly — there’s more, not less, bingeing in Europe, precisely because there is more access. This is one of those annoying europhile myths. Google this friends, you’ll find evidence.
That ‘angel’ thing probably has a lot to do with why I was molested as an 8 year old by a friend’s older brother with DS. I’d had it drilled into me that Luke was special and great and we had to be nice to him and not upset him in any way, which is all well and good until someone’s trying to cram their hands down your…
It’s context dependent.
Forbes changed her estimated net worth from $4.5 billion to “nothing.”
Irish and Scottish people profited a lot from slavery and few acknowledge it i found in the US. Like, they won’t mention that part when characters from Outlander go to the Americas to make their fortune. FROM SLAVES.
Yeah I have some relatives that talk about being discriminated against. Like if we’re talking 19th century Great Britain where you possibly starved and couldn’t practice your religion, maybe you’re a bit closer, but not in America. Getting beat up occasionally and not being able to get certain jobs at the turn of the…