At least Hillary Clinton wasn’t stupid enough to put the New York City Office of Emergency Management into the World Trade Center against the recommendation of the FBI.
At least Hillary Clinton wasn’t stupid enough to put the New York City Office of Emergency Management into the World Trade Center against the recommendation of the FBI.
He doesn’t look well. This was weird direction from the creative team.
Honey, I’ve lived in Brooklyn and worked in Manhattan for almost two decades. I haven’t listened to the radio in years...and yet I hear music outside, on t.v., etc. that I would not choose to listen to. Lol, love that you tried to do the “I’m a New Yorker” dazzle on me, though. I’m with you--I try not to go many…
. . . said no one, ever.
so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...
Sadly, Hillary can’t “win” the debate...not in any meaningful sense. Mark Twain explained her problem best: “Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.”
Nice Nancy Mitford U and non-U reference! I’m surprised I’m the first one to star you. And I’m a decidedly non-U American.
There is a scene in my head:
To be honest, what I’ve read from this thread is that the remaining conservative Republicans don’t give a rat’s butt about security, continued economic recovery, nuclear Armageddon or Russia “reabsorbing” Eastern Bloc, so long as they can avoid paying taxes. Fortunately for them, without government, there are no taxes.
Prince George is king of that young “Toddler Style Game.”
I like the notion that some ballgargling Trumpette is calling people “politically correct” while simultaneously being the most triggered bunch of sensitive fucks online, accusing people of “getting too personal” and “calling names” while their master makes up nicknames like Little Marco and shit.
Not to mention he’s French -- but even worse, French-Canadian. Might as well be Italian.
I know you’re a troll but I’m bored so....what or who, exactly, are you taking your country back from?
He is not attractive at all. He released his first self titled album and all the black girls on Temple’s campus-including me (specifically the theater department b/c I was a theater major) were like he is so handsome lalalalal NO. We were dumb twenty year olds.
I was with you in the first sentence (particularly “I chose to”). Goes downhill from there. I feel differently about it than you because I have had a different set of experiences and perhaps value different things.
you can judge someone but putting them on blast on twitter is a lousy thing to do
I will attest to this.