
Fun fact: When Warren G. Harding was running for president, the Republican Party essentially shipped his mistress and her husband out on an all-expenses paid vacation to Japan for the duration of the campaign season. This isn’t a new problem, but I have to say that I miss a party that knew how to get crap done even

Yes, very understandable how she won this award :)

Yup! Nerd culture is full of some of the most vile, women-hating, impotent pieces of shit on Earth.

Hm, this is a harsh characterization. Smash is probably my favorite video game, in part, because of what you’re criticizing. When I play, I’m a monster shit-talker (see: my live streams vs. Gizmodo). Part of the game is puffing yourself up like a big shitty bird and blustering around with your inflated shitty ego. I

You’re forgetting the other arguably more important part: it’s a video game around which large gatherings occur that has had a history of sexual assault in its community.

It’s a videogame around which large gatherings occur, both officially and unofficially.

Not only am I pulling this out of the greys, but I’m 100% going to post on Facebook that I’ve heard Trump has untreated syphilis and we need to see his STD testing results to see if that is affecting his mental health.

If this were Reddit, I’d give you gold.

I wish she would have said, Trump needs to show us psychological testing because I think he is unfit to hold office. Oh and include his STD tests for the last three decades, as untreated syphilis effects mental health.

“So, I noticed a couple weeks ago you had pneumonia. Now, I have this anal probe here, and I was wondering...”

Preach. Nobody fears marriage if they’re confident in the partnership working out, regardless of whether they’re naive or eyes wide open.

I love when people explain to me how I act the way I act, how I feel and why I feel and why did I write or do the things that I wrote or did.

A few replies is not something on which to base the conclusory “Every person who has read your comment”; better to say “so far, of those who have replied, I see X who seem to fall on the side of ....” Human nature is to avoid risk of attack by weighing in if they perceive wind blowing in X direction.

The longer they can “truthfully” admit they haven’t seen it, the easier it is for them to dodge questions.

I think it was two Jezebel readers. I don’t think this counts as everybody.

I feel the same way about this. Him placating her with a proposal after perhaps a few nights of feeling as though she was going to bail on the relationship doesn’t make for a good marriage. Proposals should be based on a mutual desire to be married, not because one party starts stomping their feet about it.

This is what I keep saying. Cops lie all the time. Comments keep coming up like “well, if he was holding a gun?” OR “he was 13 he shouldn’t have held up a gun at the cops.” Do you know if that really happened. In my city a young man was shot multipe times by police and the public was told he was in a police chase and

Good advice. I usually read those Facebook type posts like this and say “this is misleading in some way.” This one was fair across the board. So I said so.

That’s a pretty nasty take on Givenchy 1997

Shut out yet again. Eventually they’ll wise up & see my research is leading cheesecake into a new & exciting direction.