
Since when does Rolling Stone feature black stars? All I see are white faces on the covers.

It seems like a purely business decision. These media companies are not here to do a public service, but to make money. If her site was profitable, it would have continued operating as usual. Bringing in “gentrification” arguments here is just a distraction because it’s not like the site’s operating costs went up. I’m

Racism is about, among other things, one’s perceived racial superiority. If you perceive that another race is inferior to your own, it’s racist. If you think that only white people perceive other races to be inferior to their own, you’re wrong. That being said, I do not believe that white people can claim systematic

Oh very much this! The problematic wording has different connotations when you consider the intended audience of a tabloid rag and Britain’s adherence to observation of class. Privileged people turning out to be absolute scum is very soothing to most tabloid readers, it reassures them that being normal, honest,

This. Great way to demonize highly intelligent people.

Ryan Murphy is a several scene man. He creates a lot of really great moments. The overall narrative though has about as much as coherence as ______ (<—— insert your favorite celebrity scamp here) after they stuff themselves to the brim with coke & benzos in equal measure on a night out in Ibiza.

Rick Perry was my governor for 15 fucking years and I’m going to be hoarding gifs of him making an idiot of himself on national television as long as possible. They’ll go right next to that picture of him chowing down on a corndog.

No, only one has any history of using a charity for self-dealing and paying off legal bills. The other has a charity that is rated highly by the watchdogs and effective at its goals. The problem is that idiots like you spread disinformation and bullshit because they can’t actually defend their preferred candidate.

But Alex manages to have a half-ounce of dignity while wearing that look. How ever did these girls manage to miss it by so many miles?

I was basing my comment on this line:

I don’t give a shit about your dead dad, if I’m totally honest with you.

Oh, okay, sport. I guess then you really weren’t telling a bunch of other people that they also missed the point, champ. Thanks for clarifying that up for me, sweetheart. It couldn’t possibly be that you’re shite at communicating your own ideas, it must be that we all missed the point, princess!

You keep writing to people on here who disagree to tell them that they missed your point. If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check under your own shoe.

Oh be quiet. You’ve repeatedly blathered on with this nonsense. It’s getting old. Now be a good person and trouble us no more.

In a two party system, that’s what the primary is for. And it worked! Bernie’s challenge to HRC drove her to the left on a number of issues. Maybe not all of the issues that you care about, or that I care about, but it had a significant effect.

Now that the primary is over, and the two main parties have picked their

I didn’t miss your point. Your point was stupid.

It’s easy to make a lot of promises when you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of needing to deliver on them — and I say this as a liberal who is all on board for most of Stein’s ideas at their cores.

What is Stein doing “for the people”? She’s engaged in a quixotic run for the White House. There are only two people running who have an actual chance at winning, and only one of them represents in any fashion the principles a liberal would purport to care about. Stein is actively trying to siphon votes from her. Does

All politicians are attention whores. Introverts don’t run for president.