I like that they wrote “mouse clicks”. That’s cute.
I like that they wrote “mouse clicks”. That’s cute.
Interesting, we aren’t allowed to say some deplorables are irredeemable, but Hillary is still accountable and apparently irrideemable and will never be able to atone for something she’s apologized for and said was bad in the 90s. There’s regular, normal, human cognitive dissonance, and then there’s this. I got concern…
Is it too passive voice for you?
Oh, God. I’d blacked that out.
the dude you are replying to is a troll. He’s usually of the anti-feminist variety, but it seems today he’s also of the racist variety.
....you mean like they’re doing right now?
This man was murdered and the cop who did this should spend a long time in jail. The police in NY/NJ did their jobs well this weekend, managing to apprehend an armed domestic terror suspect alive (though injured) so he can be brought to justice, but Shelby was apparently too afraid of an unarmed black man with a…
My hometown never makes me proud. No one should be surprised. This is the same city whose sheriff’s dept thought it was a great idea to allow a wealthy white geriatric man with a gun to ride along and then shoot a black man in the back.
I’m an law abiding black male and I get nervous every time a cop car is behind or near me while i’m driving, not only in my personal vehicle but also my work truck. I don’t want to say that all cops are bad but, lately it sure feels that way, especially when the good ones are protecting the scum hiding behind their…
Martin did & does have a rep as a ‘family man.’ He used to take the kids on set with him from as far back as he was getting paid well enough to do that, which was unusual for the time. The set of Apocalypse Now is where Charlie first got turned on to drugs.
Martin’s an admired by millions tv actor, but definitely not A-list for even most of his career, and definitely not in movies as a lead.
For my money, I don’t think it was anyone with as direct a connection as in the same movies with Haim. I wouldn’t be shocked if they met via people Haim hung out with but weren’t…
Marry me.
Or Bernie had almost 4 million less votes than HRC. Is your argument honest to God that he couldnt beat HRC (who is by all standards is unlikable) but somehow could have beaten Trump? How can one not beat an unlikable candidate but beat a candidate who is somehow likable among his party’s electorate?
If you read the swore declaration Denise Richards filed, she claimed that Sheen was looking at, “gay pornography also involving very young men who also did not look like adults.”
So you’re black Ohio family members are literally helping a racist white nationalist become president? Yeah that’ll show them.
You don’t represent poor black people. Poor black people are overwhelming voting for Clinton. Stop tried to hide behind poor black people as a reason for your idiotic vote. The last credible 4 way poll of black people had Stein getting 8% of the vote. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trump…
Don’t forget that Feldman himself is a victim of sexual abuse, and abusers are often named to no effect, which can discourage further reporting. Feldman has supposedly named names in the past with no effect: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/11/secret-police-tape-corey-feldman-first-detailed-rape-in-1993-cops-did…