
The standard of proof for the plaintiff in a libel suit is extremely hard to meet. To be found guilty of libel, a publication has to have told a falsehood both knowingly and maliciously, i.e. the burden is on the celebrity to PROVE that Radar knew its allegations of pedophilia were untrue at the time it published

Hey! Former UNH library employee here too. I used to work with Bob. He was a sweet, kooky dude who used to love to give all the young kids book recommendations and he always remembered what we liked and what we didn’t like. I swear I mentioned Brideshead Revisited to him one time and he talked to me about Evelyn

This doesn’t comport with the statements in the radar article.


In the article it says he was abused by a producer when he was eleven, but the A Lister started abusing him when he was in his mid teens. He would have been on the set of Lucas with Charlie Sheen in his mid teens.

What is “white slavery” if not simply slavery?

If it was from back when Haim was a teenager that was way before singer had any power to create his parties. Has to be someone older.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

Are you an asshole everywhere, or just here?

The sad thing is that I don’t think they will, as shown with the 6 articles that Univision deleted, Gawker media doesn’t like to delete posts, no matter what the content.

How does a letter like this enlighten the public or pose a relevant question for debate?

Change the title, wtf.

Now this is the story!

That added sentence doesn’t make up for the shit pile that is the rest of this article.

Yes, it’s okay to delete things. I know Jezebel needs Emmy stories, but this is just stressing for drama. It’s embarrassing. There’s no eyeroll. And I imagine the clap is there because no clap means, “Why aren’t you supporting fellow contemporaries?”

It’s gotten like 26K hits. It’s not going anywhere.

Accountability is key here, ladies. Someone should apologize for such a rushed, click-seeking article. I thought Jezebel was supposed to be about more than scruntizing a 1 second cutaway of someone’s face.

I’ve never said this about a Gawker Media post (which is probably saying something!), you should definitely just delete this. It’s just... Yucky.

The author of this article thinks looking towards the side is an eye-roll. It’s a fairly common mistake made by no one.

Unless his long-term girlfriend was named Frank and has a penis, I just can’t comprehend this.