
He’s not Satan. He’s the guy who goes and buys Satan a pack of cigarettes.

“How to be fierce and bitchin’:The Masterclass”

That will NEVER get old.

Time to start using those Second Amendment rights, y’all!


No kidding, I read that as “I need a barmaid” at first.

The only thing that counts is if the film makes money.

How about: “I know you voted for Trump so I’ve replaced your turkey and dressing with broken glass and dog shit.”

There’s less drama, too.

They’re real. And they’re spectacular.

Your loss, square.


Forget that. Let’s make abortion so popular that private industry gets involved and they start paying lobbyists to make the GOP bow to their will.

The only people who didn’t realize this were true believers.

...and PREGNANT!

Uh huh. Great.


Shoot the little bastard bullies in the face then go to their homes and finish off their parents?