
Go ahead. It’s meaningless.

You’re parasites. And you’ll be irrelevant.

The same bigots who voted against Obama, what’s your point?

The death of white people as the majority will not be the death of America.

Yes, yes, enjoy your insults.

*shrug* I’ll be dead.


We’re winning.

No we don’t, lol.

And it’s been happening!

Did you know Darren Aronofsky went around a college campus driving students to polling places while also letting them FaceTime with his girlfriend,Jennifer Lawrence?

Loving the new user name!

Something new to talk about when she gets paid to do Motivational Speaking.

That’s a message I pushed for years. To be inclusive, to understand, to try and find a way to satisfy all our needs.

They don’t want to be allies. They’ve proven it.

You’re still going to die. And your children will be treated the way you’re treating people now.

You can’t change into something to suit fools and children.

You will die. Your children will be less numerous.

Nope. They’re beyond help. They’ve had decades to learn and give not a single fuck for being decent human beings.