Created a nation of infants.
Created a nation of infants.
You asked about how the commenter Cavalish got offense from MarteParte’s comment.
Nobody’s got time for white tears today.
Don’t give a pass to your racist relations and friends.
Actually, it is.
I’ll be dead from fascist gunfire after using my legally acquired firearms to keep them from dragging me out of my house to the trains bound for the camps.
Jesus Fucking Christ, get a crib.
I’m over it. It is what it is.
Their own egos.
Well, better this than doing some dumbass “extreme” sport that would get her killed and have less meaning.
Non-voters have the right to eat shit and die, today.
Blame? Fuck blame.
“Finally, feel free to blame yourself. I have no clue what the fuck else to do.”
The DNC isn’t incompetent.
That’s not Silver’s fault.
Backlash. Exactly.
So many fucking babies having a strop over Trump winning.