
They felt that way about us for 8 years, too.

Until the majority of bigoted whites die off, nothing will change.

Trump told them a nice white guy was going to save them from all their troubles and make it just like it was in the 70s when they could get a well paying job with a high school education and buy a car and house and live better than their parents while keeping blacks out of their pocket and brown people to a minimum.

Yes. Exactly.

Don’t blame him for the deep Hillary hate on the Left.

A tee shirt is not an investment piece.

“It’s a kind of performative political awareness that’s permeated this election, or at least its public discourse...”


After a lesbian was attacked due to her car having a gay rights bumper sticker (I won’t go into the story, you will be as scared as I became), I don’t advertise my convictions in that way.

Politcians are in the service of the electorate, not the other way ‘round.

This is what conservatives do. It’s “If we can’t win, we can destroy”.

This attitude is old as the country. No one knows anything anymore and thinks this is new.

The irony is that somebody dismissed your thread of the conversation so the only people even seeing this are you and I.

Oh, I believe you don’t care about me.

Me, too, no joke. I’m looking at fools like, “I don’t care if I look crazy, I am NOT the one.”

He can’t even SPELL “dog”.

Now playing

Yeah...I think Roberta and Donny said it best about all this:

Yeah, but...that’s not happening.
