Speaking as a non crazed white person “crazy fucking white people” doesn’t go far enough in describing just how crazy and fucked up that group of people is.
Speaking as a non crazed white person “crazy fucking white people” doesn’t go far enough in describing just how crazy and fucked up that group of people is.
I don’t believe for half a second that a man who has to be ask three times how she changed him doesn’t read what others have to say.
I would put Trump,Rubio and Cruz and the current crop of Republicans on Oceanic 815 and sit idly by while it crashed into that island,after breaking apart in mid-air.
I love ATK’s recipe for Skillet Lasagna. It uses less cheese,no eggs and one pan. It tastes just like it was traditional lasagna.
I laugh when people fall,I would have laughed and to hide that I was laughing (because it is awful to laugh when a person falls) I would’ve gone back to shaking hands.
Except it’s more like the 2X4 up their asses.
For a while I was really into Chinese movies and after a while my netflix account was showing all Chinese movies with the synopsis in Chinese. I would have liked that if I were Chinese.
One afternoon while watching my 2/3 year old nephew an owl caught and ate something in front of me. I’m glad the boy had his back turned.
I think Reagan was the worst President this country ever had and I think there is nothing funny about Alzheimer’s disease. I am glad Ferrel passed on the project.
I’m reading the comments while listening to some crap spilling out of Dennis Hasterts mouth,
I wish I could give this ten stars.
Wow, a good picture of Cruz!
It is easy to spot the guys that he came with,they are the suits,
A friend of mine objects to Jackson being moved to the back of the bill because of the “demise of history.” I think in her history book there is no discussion of how much our money has actually changed. Nobody’s history book talks of this,but it is true.
He looks like he is playing Hitler with the little stache.
Meaning,way to many. The more they can get away with (football stars and rock stars) the more they grope,rape,and murder.
Which profession has the most,the biggest assholes pro sports or the music industry? Both profession seem to be busting at seems with them.
At least she was to old for Jared from Subway.
The dog was lucky. John Wick sucks,bites,and blows. It is an awful movie and to be fair,I couldn’t watch the whole movie.