Ohhh, how I love that baby. He kicked me in the ovaries from the second I saw him. Can’t you folks remove the stuffing from your butts to just love the baby and his smile?
Ohhh, how I love that baby. He kicked me in the ovaries from the second I saw him. Can’t you folks remove the stuffing from your butts to just love the baby and his smile?
I glad they took off her years as 1st Lady.
In Bruges made me want to go there and if I ever get there I know what to do with my pix. Thanks.
When she said “That Hurts.” that is when he should have understood she didn’t want sex.
NO! I changed my mind at words “that hurts” the person doing the hurting stops.
That is BS. At the very least at the words “that hurts” the person doing the hurting should ask “Do you want me to stop?”
That is the problem with this doc; if you don’t have an interest in other people and how they deal with their upheavals, you will remain unmoved.
I hate top sheets. If they are tucked in I feel trapped;not tucked in I get in a tangled mess.
Oh the comments,I just love the comments. The 1st comment was written by somebody who choose the name “Elvenlord”,and he wrote just what you would expect a male who chose that name would write. Thank God for the spam when it showed up.
I wouldn’t mind taking DiCaprio under my wing and showing him a thing or two that his PYTs have never heard of.
Human interest/humanize her.
Wendy William’s TV show has been on since July 2008.
Do either one of those use palm oil? No. What is your point?
I don’t know who this guy his but I think he is better looking than the baby goose.
It bugs me to.
I bet any Jennifer Anniston movie will keep John Mayer at bay.
Just when I got the image of Ted Cruz out of my mind (it’s back now thanks) I get the image of naked Donnie Trump,as if dressed isn’t bad enough. There’s is never a brain washer around when you need one.
Blah blah blah. How much is Cosby donating to the museum?
Way to go Mexicans. Burn the yugest Trump you can find.