Man, I'm glad that Merchant is quickly evacuating Gervais's shadow. No need for Ricky to destroy two careers.
Sarah's transplant team asked if there could be an exception because that's their job - to try all avenues for the child. However, this is experimentation. There are decades of research explaining why a certain size and age require pediatric organs rather than adult organs; breaking from that does go into…
But be careful of the "she was asking for it" implication. It's a dangerous attitude.
Oh FFS. Tell me, why is this girl more important than the four other children in the Philly area who need a lung transplant - and the 40-odd adults in PA? (Not to mention all the children and adults in need of transplant in the surrounding states.)'s okay to break into his privacy and violate his rights...because he did it first? And the girl in video...who gives a fuck about her, b/c she's having sex w/ an asshole?
I agree! So over all the Korea! So weird! stories. And if the writer did some research, she would see that the grid on Reddit omitted the "before" pictures, proving that the looks were achieved through contouring makeup techniques, not plastic surgery. Which reinforces my feeling that this is all a way of saying,…
The King in the Northern Line!
The number of people who take their children INTO THE QUIET CARRIAGE ON THE TRAIN makes me want to start screaming obscenities.
Heh. Dealing with this now that Le Petit Comte is communicating verbally (he’s coming up on 2 at the end of the summer). Up until recently, despite his language explosion and propensity to repeat, he had never uttered a swear. The other day, Monsieur said “Damn!” which was parroted by our kid, who thought it was…
By making this change they've ended any speculation that book readers may have about Robb's wife possibly carrying an heir to Winterfell. Or rather, they confirmed that she's carrying the heir to Winterfell but then killing her! Such a neat, tidy little package.
I would like to be listed as whatever disorder would prevent me from being continually raped and beaten throughout my time in prison. From what I understand that option doesn't exist at this point.
Agreed. this isn't supposed to be the straight out hero narrative (though I suspect it will tie up with at least a little bit of that). A lot of the events, including the Red Wedding, are loosely based on English and French wars. In history, sometimes the person you thought would make a really badass king dies of…
I feel like, it's because we as 'good people' are really invested in seeing wrongs righted, especially in our culture which has basically given us nothing but a steady diet of hero-worshipping dramatic fare. Like no matter how bad it goes for our hero, they always manage to get the bad guy. It's the John McClane…
I like how they toy with emotions and ideals about dramatic arcs, by basically taking everything we're used to seeing and throwing it all out the window.
le sigh. agree that i am finding it hard to care about bruni-sarkozy's ramblings, which are even less relevant as she is the FORMER first lady of france.
I'm pretty sure in French "militant" is just used to mean "activist", so I wouldn't read too much into her use of it here. I had a few arguments with French speaking friends before I realised that the word had different connotations for them...
I think it might be a mistranslation. The French word 'militant' translates into English as 'activist', and sometimes the words can be used interchangeably as a result.