
I TOLD you people you couldn't trust those smug bastards! All that free medical care went to their head.

According to pop culture, if you're upper middle class, in love, and happily living with a partner, you want a child but have fertility issues. That are destroying your health, relationship, and finances.

So people are stupid. Big surprise.

This is Candace Bushnell's original version of the characters and has nothing to do with the reality of the television series. So there are big differences, most importantly, that her mother is dead and she's raised by her father, which in the TV show was completely different.


If they did show things as they were then, kids would be laughing too hard to be able to get into the dramatics of the plot.

It worked. I saw the ep On Demand, and I was shocked at how good the NYC bits were, relatively speaking.

I'm not trying to do ANYTHING like a chimpanzee does. And anyone who does? Is stupid.

Then just ignore her. Why worry if interest is dying down in her?

It's acting.

Oh, I loved that film. Highy problematic in scenes, but really kind of neat and very engaging.

It's simple: You want your actors, even first-time or non-professionals, not to feel uncomfortable or weird about your direction, especially during sex scenes? Then worry more about their feelings and less about your coverage.

The window to their soul is blocked and leads only into Court building. And the only reflection they will give is that of their profession, the law.

Why does Justice Ginsberg persist in giving full 17th century Dutch portraiture realness? Everytime I see her in that get up, I expect to see someone with a lute or harpsichord nearby, singing.

I treat this news the same way I treat the weekly lineup of primetime shows on the CW. I sniff dismissively in the full knowledge that I won't be watching it even it stays on for the next 20 years.

What's the problem? Conservative firms, like banks, go with a conservative image. Which means skirts and looking made up for women, untrendy hair and ties for guys.


Tying down his hands.


Did you seriously write "pipe down"?