
Gonna over share here a bit but this totally happened to me.

The good news is that he's too lazy to stalk me from half way across the country. I haven't heard from him since.

I know a guy who is like how you described yourself to us. He creeps out all the girls. He tries to be chivalrous, but only even talks to girls. He will pretty much demand to walk a girl to the car, and ignore her 'no.' These are the same behaviors we fear in rapists. The problem isn't that you're nice or interested,

That's awesome. Your future husband sounds great. I am not engaged, but it's probably coming in the next year or so, so my mom has started to talk wedding with me. She similarly huffed when I said I probably wouldn't invite a lot of my parent's friends, some extended cousins I barely know, etc. I said, "If you

Someone who's consistently charming would make me wonder when he was ever being himself as opposed to putting on an act. I'd much rather have someone honest.

"Hi, my name is Camel toe, and I'm here to teach you how to camel toe" is all I got from this.

I really expected better from you Jezebel. This mother (and father) has made a very personal decision about how she wants to give birth. We should not shame her for that choice.

You pretty much nailed it on the head. The worst part is that they didn't even ask the inhabitants if they needed or wanted help. Its the whole 'white savior concept' coming into play here, and it worries me. One thing that I feel can make lasting change in a place is if a program is set up in a way so that it's the

Acceptable locations for sex:

Yeah, I couldn't get past that. Everyone seems to think that Polanski raping a young girl was no big deal, which (to me) says a lot about how we sexualise teen girls and consider lust for girl children to be something semi-normal.

Prepubescent minors are untainted by birth control. With all those pants-wearing she-males running around nowadays, no wonder he had to resort to drugging and raping a child. Shame on all of us, we as a society have failed Roman Polanski's penis.

Dear Jezebel...the girl was 14...I repeat..14...she turned 15 not that long ago..

either way..she couldnt give consent

be free, my sweet babies.

As they should, my friend. As they should.

That's a very fair description of the upsetting downwards trend of channels formerly devoted to education. I remember being home ill from school and turning on The Learning Channel because I was and remain a complete nerd. I was hoping for something on The Warring States period in China, or modern science, or the

Thank-you for recognizing the privilege you have in graduating from college sans debt. As someone who will be graduating in 5 day with $30,000 of debt I hate when people complain about their state of life when they have a clean slate. Thanks for the advice, I am glad you got your dream job.

Um. I don't know how to use this quote function yet but: "You can't get a job at a newspaper anymore, unless you went to like, Harvard..."

I feel like Jezzies only know one critique and apply it to everything. GoT is ABOUT peaople abusing their priveleges so that they can sit on special chair made of knives And how it doesn't really matter who wins. I love the show but, I mean, it's a violent show. It's about suffering, not just women's, everyone's.