
The c-section rate hasn’t been ‘arbitrarily’ decided as too high, it’s confirmed too high in almost every developed country by the WHO, American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, and every esteemed body of experts related to pregnancy & birthing. Over-use of C-sections lead to a number of unecessary risks of

I wouldn’t say common as in ‘everyone’s doing it’, but common as in there is a network of millions internationally that streams and downloads. I have no idea about the second question.

Obviously flawed but serious answer: Watch Law & Order: SVU! I’ve learned a lot about child porn & sex trafficking from the countless angles this show has taken on it. At the end of the day, it’s stomach-turning and horrifying when you consider the sheer volume and endlessness of appetite for it, coupled with the

Don’t forget to tell the Papas too

High-achievers who are narcissists require monetary validation, yes, but the social capital attached to doctoring vs hedge funding means a lot.

I didn’t mean any slight to the person choosing sex work—I could have phrased that more clearly. I don’t think I made a better or worse choice. I made the one I did in that situation—and the woman in the article made hers. She wasn’t pretending it was her only choice.

yes, and wanted to add that this pressure lands on backs differently: For children who are the first in their family to go to college or get an advanced degree (disproportionately POC), it means so so much, so the pressure to stay in terrible work conditions is so much stronger

Yah, I was one of these, except I chose the 9 hour shift at a bar instead of sex work. I didn’t finish my PhD, go figure.

I know of one semi-public figure who has done this and I can’t not judge the hell out of her. It is overwhelmingly a white lady thing.

Sure. Also fuel for mean girl-ing, concern trolling, accomplished.

Why this story about private citizens? They’re sisters who seem to love each other.

This would be a good episode for John Munch to be coincidentally vacationing in Mexico

I’m a bad person who traffics in trash television but I cannot wait until Law & Order SVU does an episode on this

Thank you :)

I know two women that went to this and I am too afraid to ask about it for fear of uncontrollable eyeball movement

I know two [white, wealthy, childfree] women that went to this and I am too afraid to ask about it for fear of uncontrollable eyeball movement

‘Reclaimed chocolate’. FTFU Mast Brothers, go on with your hipster selves.


I really need someone to explain Fernando & Carolina to me. I spent an embarassing amount of time unearthing Fernando’s moms ex-con past and googling ‘Fernando drug lord’ but I got nowhere. And by explain I mean ‘Why you so gross’?