
I’m rooting for Sanchez to get a ring. Then all five Tigers starters from the 2014 team that flamed out in the ALCS will have won World Series titles after leaving Detroit and that bottle of Jameson in my liquor cabinet can be consumed in one night with justification.

I am gay as well, and I don’t see how anyone could defend this as not being homophobic. If he used the “N-word”, would it not be racist because he isnt talking about a black guy? It is never acceptable to use derogatory terms like that. It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to, or about, its disrespectful to say the

If you use a term for homosexual as an insult, you are stating that being homosexual is something shameful and of lesser value.

So the argument is that trucking should be inefficient for the sake of creating busywork?

Nah. More like piece of shit racist asshole sucker punches drunk Irish guy.

I agree with you but we can’t just let Sarah slide and no one else.  If you’re about redemption, it needs to be applied across the board.  If we are doing this just because we like Sarah, that doesn’t hold up. 

That is correct. Mikan was so damn dominant they altered how the court was designed because of him.

To be fair, the original GOAT-proofing in the NBA wasn’t Wilt, it was the unstoppable monster that was the very white George Mikan.

The mound-lowering wasn’t just because of Gibson. He’s remembered because of the insane year he had but offense in general had been putrid for a few years.

Your explanation is good, but next time try not ending your comment by being a raging ass trumpet. You’ll make more friends that way :)

I love how republicans don’t want government intervention until it’s a Liberal private sector that they feel is mean to them. 

Things we need government oversight on: People commenting on the internet.

Things we don’t need government oversight on: People purchasing guns specifically designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Fucking way to fucking go.

Here’s a thought: stop playing Destiny 2. This has two clear benefits: you’ll get high off the smell of your own farts in another game and nobody else in the Destiny 2 playerbase has to deal with your dumb ass.

Because maybe those of us with careers, wives, mortgages, children, etc. would still like to have fun playing a video game every once and a while, without having to commit to an extensive training regiment.

Oh yeah because games should only be for the hardcore people.

Truly the Cardinal Way has become the way of dishonor.”

Australians: HAHA, Mate! “Rooted in Oakland” is like saying, “Fucked in Oakland!” Crickey!
Oaklanders: If we wanted to say that, we’d just say, “Raiders fan.”

One of the first lessons you learn as an actor is “show, don’t tell”, so if anything, this displays his training.

I commented the same thing, keeping the noose on reeks of trying to make something seem legitimate when you are lying. Why would the cops need to the noose around your neck? Just take it off its still evidence dummy. 

He kept the rope around his neck because he “just wanted you to see”. I had to stop working and let that sink in for a couple of minutes. This is biblical levels of stupidity in action. How much did your parents pay for drama school for you to come out with this bullshit. For all you know people just tried to ‘lynch’