You can’t blame it to absolve yourself, but if Volvo’s automatic braking system repeatedly failed to notice motorcycles a government investigation like this one might happen.
You can’t blame it to absolve yourself, but if Volvo’s automatic braking system repeatedly failed to notice motorcycles a government investigation like this one might happen.
You also have to be careful not to take *too* much of the load off the car, since any weight carried by the castor wheel doesn’t add traction.
That and a huge part of these kinds of events is companies gathering intelligence on what their competitors are doing.
I meant the one in James’ post. Sorry, I got the attribution wrong, since you were continuing their line of argument.
What’re the odds it ever goes anywhere under sail power anyway? Most yachts I see are just motoring everywhere.
For that matter, what’re the odds this thing ever moves under sail power anyway? If it’s like most yachts I see they’re just going to motor it everywhere and the masts will be for decoration.
Now you’re talking. I think you could get a Lake LA-250 for that.
I wasn’t bragging, I was responding to your ridiculous notion that everyone’s purchases escalate in proportion to their wealth. It’s just not true. Most people’s don’t. Most people’s egos are not bound up in showing off wealth through useless but expensive possessions. It’s mostly the extremely rich who feel the need…
Yeah, right. What’s the utility of a giant yacht unless you’re showing off with it? It’s not like the billionaires who own these actually sail anywhere on them. They pay other people to sail them and then fly on a bizjet to meet up at the next port. At best they’re a portable mansion used for schmoozing with other…
For $250,000, it better sprout wheels so I can drive it out of the water when it’s time for dinner.
You can’t really compare starting batteries to EV traction batteries. The current load on a starting battery is both lower and a lot more brief, and no one is trying to fast-charge a starting battery at 200+ kW. Also they’re expected to have a normal lifespan of 5-10 years, while people would prefer that traction…
Of course it’s about him. The whole ship is just a big sign that says LOOK AT ME!!!!!1! on it. There’s literally no other reason to build a mega-yacht other than to prove your superiority to other human beings.
With the controls locked he would have also had to use the trim in the opposite direction to normal practice, and there’s no guarantee it would have enough control authority to override the elevator.
I wouldn’t call it “nothing at all.” They would fly directly over my office at low level. I could deal with it for the week or so it happened but I won’t say it was enjoyable. Not after the first couple passes anyway.
I think the places this really has potential to reinvigorate are malls. Plug in, go do some shopping and have a bite at the food court.
Usually at least one of the floating bridges across Lake Washington has to shut down for safety reasons, and they’re traffic nightmares on a good day.
The Smart ForTwo is notable for having the absolute worst transmission of any car I’ve ever driven. It’s a single-clutch automatic that takes what feels like ages to shift from gear to gear. It perfectly replicates the feeling of riding with someone who learned to drive stick shift the previous morning and is still…
Or, you know, install the masts after the ship is out from under the bridge.
The Blue Angles are pretty controversial in Seattle. That might have something to do with it. They perform every year at SeaFair and while the performance is very popular, the week or so of intense jet noise and highway shutdowns their practice sessions bring to everyone who lives and works in the area is not very…
Seeing it happen to a front wheel drive drag racer is amazing. They have the center of gravity pretty far forward anyway for traction reasons, so a 1-2-1 shift will practically stand them on end.