E. Vogel

1010 WINS and 880 WCBS radio in the NYC metro area for metro area news, traffic, and weather, 1130 for business news . AM is not just the home of talk show hosts. You need to get outside more often.

I agree...it’s the local AM radio stations that broadcast ball games in my part of the world. While I don’t use the radio much anymore these days, when I’m stuck in the car at game time, it’s nice to be able to listen in.

From Fort Wayne Indiana I could get the Saint Louis Missouri radio station.

Seriously? User programmable I/O for aftermarket toys. What’s GM trying to do, sell me a vehicle that I actually want?

I admit I do love Christmas but I think it’s interesting that we have a holiday built around an old pagan practice of trying to bring light, generosity and optimism to the longest, darkest nights of the year... but then have the long slog through January, February and March. I wish Christmas came at the end of January

That might be the best description of an RV I have ever read!


Yeah exempting trucks like this from the gas guzzler tax is completely ridiculous. 

The gas guzzler tax NEEDS to apply to these things. It’s completely insane that there’s no additional tax on a monster like this.

And if you count the other riders he’s made crash by riding with him, emulating him or being cut off by him then he totally wins.

While...yeah, weighing five tons isn’t helping, perhaps if he didn’t assume it would drive like a Subaru things would have gone better.

Also the implicit assumption that HUMMER = OFF ROAD; apparently the military image still lingers while high-centered H2s being towed by Jeeps and Suzukis has been forgotten.


Accepted applicants then pick up their visitor pass on the day of, at a designated airport area and process through the TSA checkout like a passenger.

Yeah, EV versions of macho off-road trucks are always going to be a hard sell. It’s a market segment built around ostentatiously doing as much environmental damage as possible as a sort of political statement — there’s a reason guys modify the diesel versions to “roll coal.”

Laying the seeds to get the state government to pay for their new plant, which we all know will of course generate enough in new job creation to pay for itself in a matter of days. 

I call bullshit. The cost of labor in Japan plus the cost of ocean freight is cheaper than the cost of labor in Indiana, which is why Subaru can’t build in Indiana and had to build in Japan. Oh, ok

Alas, the F-4 should have been wearing a high visibility safety vest, if it had this tragedy could have been avoided.

full throttle is 72 mph, less on hills more going down hills. fuel mileage ia 18-22 mpg depending on the road, wind and speed limit. surprisingly it is faster than the standard westvalia campers!  it is reliable, it’s just a toyota pickup, but parts are getting harder to find.

Renting a house gives you more options,  even if it's just plugging into a dryer outlet. New construction seems to be including some chargers. The apartment complex near me has two chargers, and no residents who can afford an electric yet

not to mention noise pollution, one helicopter can be heard by the entire neighborhood, and unless someone created magic propellers a drone would not be any less noisier, and somehow we will have to endure thousands of these flying around the city?

Go after the scrap dealers who pay for these stolen items and ship them out of country. Kill the demand, end the supply.