
I’m glad Ms. Watkins could acknowledge her blatant desire/need to Cool Girl with her first published work. Women are given props, and certainly taken more seriously, for writing in what’s perceived as a masculine style, but you know, there should be equal value placed on other styles of writing as well. A work isn’t

Yeah, let’s make fun of how this woman looks in the photo. Very classy.

I’m going to be annoying but there is a reason there are food safe laws. I’m not saying this woman’s ceviche is going to make you sick, but selling food that you make in your standard kitchen cannot be guaranteed safe.


Should have been Bern. Look what the DNC and Clintonites have done.

GODDAMMIT. These WikiLeaks emails are making it REALLY HARD for me to continue to act holier than thou around my republican acquaintances. Get your shit together, democrats!

No—my mother is African-American and my father is white. They joined the church when I was little, and while my father left it when they divorced, my mother raised me and my sister in the church (in Baltimore, admittedly, where the population of the church was way less white and had way more single parents). We

It’s so sad the way we vilify those with infectious diseases. I recently had active tuberculosis and had to have an entire contact investigation done (including everyone I’d spent three hours w/ in the past year—at work, bars I went to, etc.). That sucked. And it sucked worse when I realized I’d infected people

I don’t know if I was God it would be totally a perk of the job to see who is fucking who. All the damn time.

I’m no theologian, but I’ve always been under the impression God doesn’t have to make choices with time. God can see who is fucking who AND check things off the old God Bucket List. God’s a multitasker.


Hope this helps? 😊

almost like having a scanned passport will help the consulate or embassy get you a replacement

The statistic about 273 disappearances on cruises is meaningless without more context. How many people went on cruises in those 20 years? What’s the ratio of disappearances on other kinds of vacations compared to the total number of people taking those kinds of vacations? For all we know (and really, I have no idea, I

That’s your takeaway from this? That my teacher complimented the wrong consonent, not that she mistook my mild speech impediment I have no control over for a deliberate accent?

I had an Argentinian teacher for all of high school. When I was about to take the AP exam, she was like, “Oh, yeah, BTW, don’t speak with my accent because you’ll get points off if you pronounce the double L the way we do. Good luck!”

I see what you did there.

I am going to laugh in Spanish: jajajajaja

I’ve mentioned this here before, but my last landlord is from Madrid. He was a manager at a recycling plant out in Modesto, and naturally most of his employees were Mexican immigrants. He had to speak English to them because they couldn’t understand his Spanish.

I really enjoy this story. I had Mexican and Guatemalan teachers for seven years, and then went to Uni and had a teacher from Spain. I was fucking screwed. (Like what even is vosotros?!?! C’mon.)