
He was just playing around! And we all know this guy could get any computer he wants. Why would he waste time hacking into these football guy's computers?And how do we know these football dudes didn't tell him it was ok, and then changed their minds later when they heard people gossiping about it and worried about

This has happened to me. I was about 19, and waiting to go inside the United Center to watch the Bulls. At the time, I had braids— think Janet Jackson from Poetic Justice. This white woman grabbed a hand full of my hair and screamed "I love these!" to her friend. Not to me, to her friend. I didn't say anything because

Considering how hostile your interactions with other commenters have been, it is rich that you are accusing others of creating an environment you don't find conducive to exchanging ideas. The thing is, everyone is wasting time and typing energy on you. The whole "fat people are lazy" meme is one you can find anywhere


I dunno, you're the one who's been getting fucked all night, you seem like you could probably use a valium and a hug. I honestly feel sorry for you, having such a narrow and hateful world view. I'm also pretty much done engaging with you since neither of us are budging and I'd rather crack jokes with like minded

I'm going to explain something very quickly to you: let's say we both have the same "starting weight" and we can eat maybe 1600-1800 calories a day with regular lifestyle. So we both eat 1600 calories to simply maintain our weight/fuel our activities. But one day, I start to eat a banana and an apple to that diet (so

I think she is beautiful and apparently others do as well. You're not required to pretend that she is, but also don't assume that others are lying as well.

Change your brain, asshole. Do come back when you have something intelligent to say. We won't wait up.

Yeah, I guess we don't know - all I can say is it feels particularly straight male to assume that everyone was just waiting on the edge of their seats, refreshing this page, eager to find out whether or not he finds someone fuckable and why/why not.

What I object to is suggesting all overweight people are lazy and that all skinny people have self control, as the original poster suggests by saying "I'll never call someone who never bothers to pick up a book intellectual." How does she know that an overweight woman she has judged as lazy isn't working her ass off

I suggested in a thread on Gawker that the armed forces might want to avoid misogyny/homophobia in their boot camp training (from what others said, these topics are common insults hurled at trainees by their instructors in the service of toughening them up/numbing them to what they will encounter while serving). I

I like to think I'd loudly say something along the lines of "put your penis back in your pants right now! Put it away NOW. I haven't had to say that to anyone since my youngest turned 4, I certainly didn't expect to have to say it to a grown man on an airplane. Now, go wash your hands."

Sounds like you need some therapy to figure out why you feel competitive towards your wife, doesn't sound like a very healthy partnership.

It would be "forceful suppression of ideas" if facebook was the only platform anywhere ever. Since you can go and spout whatever the fuck you want on your personal blog or wherever else, I wouldn't worry about "suppression". You're entitled to free speech, you're not entitled to the platform of your liking for it.

I could sworn "cease conversation with me" is a pretty clear indication that I have no desire to have a productive conversation with John Boy Walton here. Why does it bother white people so much when people of color don't want to hold their hands and escort them down the path of racial enlightenment? Google that bitch.

It's about support when jogging. If you don't have enough support you will do serious damage to your breast tissue. How do you not know that sports bras are designed differently to regular bras?

I honestly hope you are just as passionate about the shitty food industry since it's pretty textbook that exercise AND a balanced diet leads to better health. You can talk exercise and being overweight leading to x disease all fucking day but unless you are also concerned with food deserts, GMOs, and the government

awesome, I'm off to tell everyone I know to never buy from

I think the fact that your comment isn't about their swimwear is everyone else's point. This whole article is about fashion and swimwear. You start talking about "health." Fat person does ANYTHING, someone says something about health.

Bro, let's be real. When someone says "I'm not judging, but it's a health issue"