
This doesn't surprise me. I went on a date with an older gentleman who was a dentist, and he told me some mind boggling stories about the "pranks" he and friends played on his female classmates. Apparently there were only 2 women in his program, and he and his friends hired a male stripper to dance during one of their

Are you a guy? Because there is currently no way to test for HPV in men. So you might have it and not know.

"To my surprise, I was quickly fast tracked and I became a mother in six months to an amazing, beautiful baby." That's exactly what happened in my family. Because my parents were open to adopting any race, they only had to wait a few months to adopt my sister.

Ugh, I'm sorry that happened to you : (

I had a guy try this on me at a bar once. When I told him to back off, his friend said "Oh, she's the type of girl whose gonna make you work for it." What the fuck?

You are killing this thread! You basically just articulated my life story : )

Or, you get a major growth spurt in 6th grade while always having been a bit chunky and don't fit into age-appropriate clothing anymore so you have to wear clothes from the adult section which end up making you look like you're 12 going on 28 when all you want to do is wear short shorts and tank tops from Limited 2.

I was a sex-ed teacher through an Americorps program, so there might be something similar in your area. The program was through a non-profit, so I didn't need a teaching degree or anything. It also might help to get certified in rapid HIV and STD testing. A lot of my friends who are still working as health educators

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I, like these celebrities, love swearing.

The best comment on the original article: "Carolla is hilarious."

I'm dying laughing about them popping out of the sand! Also, I would like to personally support every one of those troops. Yum

I can't imagine that a white ethno state would have particularly good food. I'm envisioning lots of mayo.

Welp, that will feature prominently in my nightmares tonight.

It's funny, I feel like everyone (including me) is surprised that they're Chechen, but before 9/11, I remember that ever single terrorist in an action movie was Chechen.

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You don't find this hilarious? I seriously cannot stop laughing!!

I've found some really amazing pieces at places I wouldn't normally think to look. Specifically Kmart and JCPenny's. They've both really stepped up their plus size game, and are really affordable. I also really like to read plus size fashion blogs, because they'll often post outfit of the day pictures with links to

Their skinny jeans are amazing! I was buying Lane Bryant ones that were hella expensive and didn't fit quite right. Then I tried the forever 21 ones, and they were like magic! They have a ton of stretch to them, but they're still thick enough that I don't feel like I'm wearing leggings. And they're only $20 a pop!


If you're interested, Men Can Stop Rape have some really great resources for talking to your son about consent and such. It's a great organization : )