
Blur only signed to Food Records because they were Hungry Like the Wolf…?

Blur only signed to Food Records because they were Hungry Like the Wolf…?

1. 13
2. Modern Life Is Rubbish
3. Parklife
4. Blur
5. The Great Escape
6. Think Tank
7. Leisure

I think the criteria would be that she would bring up Neutral Milk Hotel, and then Jeff Mangum would show up in the episode and make her dreams come true. Had that happened… well, I can't begin to imagine such a scenario, to be honest.

I think the criteria would be that she would bring up Neutral Milk Hotel, and then Jeff Mangum would show up in the episode and make her dreams come true. Had that happened… well, I can't begin to imagine such a scenario, to be honest.

Hey, fatty, here's one for ya: A Fridge Too Far!

Hey, fatty, here's one for ya: A Fridge Too Far!

I'll never wiggle my bare butt in public again.

I'll never wiggle my bare butt in public again.

You forgot my favorite line, "Bees on pie!"

You forgot my favorite line, "Bees on pie!"

Wasn't a legal ad for me, it was a Romney commercial, which also makes sense, I suppose.

Wasn't a legal ad for me, it was a Romney commercial, which also makes sense, I suppose.

"It stinks!"

"It stinks!"

Or cocaine!

Or cocaine!

Wow, seems they've really upped the ante with this new Atlas Shrugged picture.

Wow, seems they've really upped the ante with this new Atlas Shrugged picture.

Stale and broad television makes money. The end.