
Only to be replaced by the much more organized Intern Yusong.

How 'bout "A Baby For Pree" and "Where You'll Find Me Now" off of Neutral Milk Hotel's first, On Avery Island? Hell, they even mash them together into one song in concert.

"I envision a Cheating Wing!"

"candyoh, you think it's easy but you're wrong
I am not one half of the problem
Zurich is stained and it's not my fault
Just hold me back or let me run."

15 minutes? More like 15 episodes!

Interesting that the only series on this list to not get regular reviews is… well… Review! Also, it placed the highest on this part of the list. Does this mean that TV Club is cancelled?

Chairman Moe's Magic Wok!

Have you actually heard this? Imagine's lyrics aren't even in this thing. In their place are demonically pitched-down All Star vocals.

This guy makes me never want to listen to Guided by Voices ever again.

VAMPIRES! VAMPIRES! VAMPIRES! VAMPIRES! With fangs as sharp as new barbed wire!

Actually, I think the plural of gay is gey.

The Coast Is Toast!

Valley Loogie?

Maybe this "scripture" will show you the light:

Give me a print-out of Oyster smiling.

True, but I did manage to buy a copy of Toy Story on Laserdisc in Medina, so it's not all bad.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali!?!?!?!

"You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

Good call on the Sonic remakes. I hope, but am not holding out, for those appearing on console like his Sonic CD remake did. That's essential playing, right there, and a testament to how exceptional a remake can be.

Off-topic, but I just wanted to tell you how much I loved your film, The Final Sacrifice.