
Somewhere, Terry Bradshaw takes another ginkgo biloba enema.

We've had some great games with them, but we have great games against a lot of people. A lot of people want to beat us, and they're one of them.

It wasn't the cakewalk some were expecting...

Nice try

Check Out These Rad Pictures Of An Exploding Funny Car

I will never leave before the churros arrive.

Pictured: An old leather bag and a vintage briefcase.

I would only pay $5000 for Len Bias' evidence locker.

Spleens. How do they work?

In a shocking turn, students voted to change "Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters" to "Wheelchair Guy and His Team of Genetic Retards".

Pictured: How disgusting spiders are dealt with on the field.

Ever since that jerk stopped and resuscitated that guy I shot, I've boycotted Frank's Pizza.


recently punctured his cocoon of power

The guy in the ankle sock was quietly fapping and had no idea a video was being made.

Take it back to the Dean Dome, pal.

That is the same shit-eating grin I would have knowing I could just go home, fire up NBA Jam on the Xbox, play as myself, and fire up nothing but 3-pointers.

The saddest vines are always found at the bottom of the 4th bottle of Pinot Noir.

Yesterday your lover. Today a cadaver. You are so insensitive.

She will definitely be set for life as the WNBA's first thousandaire.