
Gillooly was always a clown shoe among size 16 clown shoes.

That Tetris beat is forever stamped into my brain.

I'm more suprised that Kyle Singler has so many friends in video 4.

I've been away from DS for months (almost a year). This is a great read. +1

As lads growing up outside Liverpool, Andrew Dudley and his friends would disrupt class at St. Mary's with bird calls. Dudley's was a warbling trill, repeated three times. It became a recurring joke, to be used at pubs and restaurants...

Ha! +1

It helps if you don't smoke your cholesterol meds, and take them like they were intended.

"I love this kid. I'm either in a lot of trouble or I'm going to be a genius."

What’s up world...

Where is RareEndangeredVuvuzela?

My wife once wore a similar Technicolor jersey, however the frigid bitch couldn't change the colors if she was standing in a sauna.

Been away for awhile. Sometimes, I miss you guys. Carry on!

Rumor is, DeVry University is paying it's online League of Legends athletic team in Bitcoins.

(double post glitch)

This plays. +1

Ha! +1

Holy shit Drew. Hilarious.

Murdock says he was fired when he attempted to blow the whistle, and plans to sue the school for wrongful termination.


All evidence points to cardinals having hollow bones.