WWE questions from last night: What in the ever loving fuck is The Great Khali doing in a wrestling ring? His legs are made out of cardboard paper towel cores, right?
WWE questions from last night: What in the ever loving fuck is The Great Khali doing in a wrestling ring? His legs are made out of cardboard paper towel cores, right?
Kato Kaelin has offered to drive Lance to the interview.
Now, would/could/should the the Jets dare hire another Ryan brother?
I can't wait for the movie where they hunt humans with this technology like Surviving The Game. Except Gary Busey plays every character. Natch.
The Marlins have sold out and gotten Campbells "Chunky" Soup cans connected by a string.
That's right, a crybaby little bitch. "Oh WHAAAAA! I can't do my job because a player won't sit still for me to examine him and he's circling around the sidelines trying to walk it off."
Pass the Chips, please.
Dr. James Andrews sounds like a little bitch right about now.
This is a lock.
Browns fans are not a hopeful bunch
"Pizza Time" is Twitter code for "inbox me for a pic of my junk".
Mr. McAfee?
Denham Springs, Louisiana, where they smoke their Christmas gifts.
Bobcats really missed a bullet there.
Keep the juices flowing by jangling around gently as you move.
Jack In The Box has been hiring "enforcers" ever since a very aggressive Grimace used the drive through speaker-box as a toilet.
In Chipper's defense, those goals are usually put together by rocket scientists and men with doctorate degrees.
Some say Will Monday has an extra tendon in his femurs, and that he can slam dunked a beer pong ball into a solo cup from 15 yards out.
NBA on TNT is absolutely the tits.