After three tries - yes, they deserved it.
After three tries - yes, they deserved it.
Shocking concept!! The cheapest is not necessarily (and usually isn’t) the best!!
the back woods?
Oh, I think they can.....
But the key part of your example is that he FAILED TO NOTIFY someone of the bad brakes.
They certainly can say all they want, but they cannot legally hold your car.
Unfortunately, he is armed and has the state-granted authority to arrest you. Doesn’t mean he has to be right - he just can.....
That’s very generous of you - not that you make much sense.
Anyone can sue anyone for any reason at any time. Whether he wins is the issue. Unfortunately, you have to respond to the suit.
Not paranoid - just good sense - the last part, anyway. You cannot force anyone to sign anything or hold anyone’s car.
You are NOT the police!
But the car was undriveable at that point, wasn’t it? Did he just push the car into the street?
They aren’t everywhere - e.g., in DC.....
The non-sleazy shops will do that, too. In VA, I am pretty sure it is mandated, because all the different shops I have gone to have done it. Then, if you fail the inspection, you get a “fail” sticker, and have a certain amount of time to get it fixed (I think it’s 30 days).
Wait - isn’t it actually Bush’s fault?!
I thought it would be the “smart”phone bill.......
There are plenty of cars like that in mandatory inspection states, as well.
But they don’t have that “right.” They certainly should write plainly on the invoice that they advised the customer that the car was not safe to drive. They can’t make anyone sign anything and they cannot hold anyone’s car.....
that’s all car-dependent. Your car is NOT all cars.....
lol!! You paid for the hose?!