e holder

Why don’t you just remove the hubs and take them and the new bearings to a reputable shop and have them press out the old and press in the new?

Not necessarily necessary

No bleeding unless it’s time to renew the fluid. And gravity bleeding works JUST fine.....

You are not alone - it’s all you need. And you don’t even need that. It’s a convenience.

Wow - you sure have a LOT of free time! You could have done it yourself 20 times during that period.....

Your words are.....

“They” don’t HAVE to fix anything - the OWNER has to!!

Wow - what kind of carbon-brake Lambo do you have?

You could offer to take a big piece off the bill, for a “favor”.....

You were supposed to understand that’s what he meant.

An awful lot of people. If it starts, moves, and is not on fire, they are good to go.....

ExACTLY the same are right on top of the issue.....!!

Many, many, many people. You see pictures of them lining up outside the Apple sore every 18 months when the latest IPhone 37xx is announced.....

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

the “smart”phone is the LAST thing they need...!! It comes AFTER necessary car work!!

not by nickel and diming.....

You can’t make the customer do ANYTHING!!

Well, then, if you have annual inspections, why did he have no brakes? Annual inspections mean virtually nothing, because there are always shops that will give people a sticker for the right amount of money, without even looking at the car. And, yes, I KNOW it’s illegal!!

The shop owner cannot stop you from doing ANYTHING.

The one time I was in this situation, the shop wrote very clearly on the receipt, “Brakes are not operable, car should not be driven on the road.”