e holder

Most of the Syrians aren’t considered “bad guys” by Israel. They’ve actually been decent neighbors for a few decades. It’s just occasionally Israel has to raise its pimp hand when Syria gets cross - like trying to build a nuclear reactor, or giving rockets to groups who want to shoot them at Israeli civilians.

Good. Too bad they couldn’t get more bad guys.

How would he know?

This guy deserves a gold medal for situation-handling.

The guy handled it a lot more calmly than most people I know, he really just let the guy punch him in the helmet, then subdued him, nothing like someone somewhat easily choking you to make you realize you messed up.

The bike guy was incredibly cool. I mean, he got two punches and he tried to defuse the situation, then the bastard punched the biker’s girlfriend. That is never cool and I have to said the bald guy got lucky. If he was in Florida his actions were enough to get shot at.

That motorcyclist handled it extremely well. Many of us would have just beat the shit out of the old moron but the way he handled it was mature and civilized. The old douche seemed to realize shortly after being tackled that he was the dumbass in this situation

Instead, Honda just programmed the ECU to artificially limit revs to whatever level will pass local noise regs. In Japan, that’s just 6,000 of its maximum potential 14,000rpm.

Closer to $300 for a $100 part. Plus a bit over $100/hr for labor (as if their mechanics are all making a couple hundy per year).

I have no problem paying more for service like this. As far as I’m concerned, he deserves to command higher rates (and doughnuts).

As long as you’re good natured about it, most mechanics wouldn’t care. It’s one of those things that if you’re easy going you can get away with it. If you’re a dick about it, it’s better to say no.

Ask around: Work, friends, relatives. Good mechanics are best found by asking others for recommendations.

Thats why word of mouth and your interactions with your customers is so important. In the rare times that I’ve had to take something in somewhere I always take it to the same tech. He’a wored 3 places in the last 10 years and I really don’t care why. I did him up and wait until he is available to work on my stuff. If

I always tell people that there are good ones and bad ones (in any field! Hey, I’m a LAWYER.)

Judgment call. My mechanic tells me those things and I trust him. But I’ve had experiences where I’d not feel comfortable and take it somewhere else to make sure it wasn’t just an upsell.

I actually don’t find it pretty... too flat... but oh well.

You get better roll authority during stall conditions, and that’s about it. It’s structurally and aerodynamically unstable.


Her car

Now playing

One more from Brazil, these do not even know what a tow strap is.