
He fired again, this time hitting Soto causing him and his knife to fall to the ground. Mejia kicked the knife away and radioed for help. This is where the problem comes in.”

I believe the cops are a too quick to shoot but that doesn’t mean they’re always too quick to shoot. If someone is running up on you with a knife in hand, shooting is justified. I don’t care why the person is doing it. Whether he’s sick or suicidal doesn’t matter.

Answering the aphorism, “when pigs fly”.

What a bunch of click bait BS. The guy’s actions cost him his life. This isn’t on the pilots, not one bit. At any point in the chain of events he could have made the right choice and would still be alive. He didn’t. He chose to attack the cops in a chaotic situation. That’s why he’s dead.

“and while officers are trained to deescalate these exact situations, there didn’t seem to be an attempt to even do that”

If someone charges at you with a knife, the time for de-escalation is over.

There are literally hundreds of videos on the “Police Activity” youtube channel of officers spending hours de-escalating

First Rule of Penske:

Here’s how the guaranteed hours thing works for automotive technicians:

I dunno - my first experience w/ unions was when I took an xmas season driving job w/ UPS. I wasn’t union but the FT drivers were. They were well paid but also busted their ass. Seemed fair. Then I moved to Detroit and worked in the auto industry. While there are many good, hardworking UAW workers, I saw enough to

The average looking ones, however, were allowed to keep their jobs.

15% increase offered.

Unions are for the little guys, the workers. Unions good for little guys, bad for owners. Without unions everyone would be working 6 days a week, 10 hour days. As for the guaranteed hours, more information is needed as already stated. Hours worked, or hours charged. Mechanics go by “the book” stating if the

Reading between the lines here, I am guessing the people taking their cars in had to go through/past the guys working the picket line. The inference seems to be that they were hassling customers bringing their cars in, probably yelling at them and being slow to move, if it was enough for the dealership to file a grieva

It’s funny to hear libs pissed about people making around $100,000 getting fired. Never mind the 10-15% raises offered.

Honestly, used to be like you. Then union workers in my organization went on strike, pretending to be victims of low wage, discrimination, etc. What they neglected to tell the public who, obviously, was supportive of their version of events, was that several of the union workers stole from the people they were caring

Can we start with police unions?

Unions ruin the world. They pay good money if you are a part of one, but cost the rest of us big money. The service provided by union workers is no better than that of non union, yet costs 3 times as much and takes twice as long to complete. Unions should be abolished.  

Good for them.  About time companies take a stand against unions.

You would’ve thought someone in that Piper survived, guessing their aged bodies couldn’t take the G’s from that belly impact.

I’m sure they could get another job, but not at the same pay. Working at a Benz dealer is not the same as working at a Chevy dealer.

It seems they were able to hire adequate people to scab past the strike.  So they will probably turn full time at a reduced cost compared to the 20 fired persons. The 20 people will probably take their tools and walk to the next dealership and start again.