
Who cares

I would guess that they weren’t found in the truck, and they used DNA on either the seats, steering wheel, or dash to determine who was sitting where.

That’s tragic, I live in NM and there aren’t a lot of good outcomes when meth is involved.

Hell, that should have been an article unto itself; I could fly to Australia for less than that, and Australia is a pricey flight to begin with!

Yep.  I’ve been on smaller planes where they moved people around based on their weight.

This is a person who spends $11k for a plane ticket, he’s not going to buy a suit at Men’s Warehouse.

$5000 for clothes? What the fuck is this guy wearing? I don't think I even own $5000 in clothes.

Pretty funny video.
Guy with no garage space buys 13 cars for the thrill of buying broken things and fixing them goes on to complain that its expensive to buy and fix 13 cars and because he never drives them then complains that just keeping the batteries charged is a pain. Somehow made it into adulthood with never

You can make any car go 300k miles if you maintain it and keep replacing stuff that breaks or wears out, so only mildly impressed. Ultimately it’s a lot of coin for a 300k mile car, and it’s only commanding that price because the cult of 911 overhypes and overvalues them. Also, tres douchy in black/black/black.  Pass.

They’re also smaller than many states.

He could have made it if he just had some more speed going into it.

No, that’s a good friend. A good friend calls out stupid decisions other friends make when the average person would be too polite.

Reminds me of the old joke

And your last sentence also answers why CarMax didn't pay more for it. They didn't have to, the seller was willing to sell it for that much.

Is there any example of this occurring with other state rules?
Has anyone been prosecuted for consuming weed while in CO or CA by the state they reside in if it were say KS or SC? Seems nearly all laws passed or to be passed in the future would only reach as far as the state line.

Spend tens of thousands of tax payer dollars to issue a woman a $500 fine and 6 months in jail or whatever the punishment is.

Agreed, see my other reply.  You can leave the state to do whatever you want.


Oh my god, this whole thing is so stupid. It’s not like they have to plow some ancient burial ground or knock over a cathedral. They just need to remove the span of the bridge for a few hours. Which they’ve already done. Which will be paid for generously.

Complacency sets in with everyone, especially with the people who should know better. The kind yet stern old Senior Master Sergeant who instructed me said to me that checklists are written in blood, and so I slavishly adhered to the checklist at all times.