
At the rate we’re going, we won’t have to worry about that in the next 10 years.

says the person typing on a plastic keyboard

Or requiring 2 people in the cockpit at all times again.....

Also, even the best software isn’t perfect, and if something goes wrong, it can go SO wrong (737 MAX MCAS) that pilots need to be able to fully override it. 

but it seems a bit crazy to me that a modern passenger airplane would even let you intentionally put it into a dive like this and crash it.

I’m curious if this China Eastern airline has a two-person policy for the flight deck like American carriers do. Here, if a pilot goes to the bathroom, there has to be another employee in the flight deck with the other pilot (two people minimum at all times).

Unfortunately I thought this would be the case after seeing the video and altitude chart. These aircraft don’t just fall out of the sky in one piece. Very sad and upsetting to think about. 

the plane was purposefully put into a nose-dive, which could mean the crash was intentional

Good for Mr. Harrison!  I don’t know if I would be able to land a plane as he did.  I’d like to think that I could.  Either way, I would be shitting my pants!

Exactly - the 2020 election is a perfect example.

Right. Common sense is very uncommon these days, otherwise we’d not be so deep into the shit as we are. Glad this guy escaped the mass brain numbing that seems to have swept most of the country.

The basics of lift and aerodynamics should be common sense.

I’m going to be that guy and point out that pulling the nose up too fast won’t cause the engine to stall, it will cause the aircraft to stall (i.e., lose lift).

in this case, that’s a VERY good thing

I think we can chalk his success up to “having a cool head in a high-pressure situation,” which is a cousin of common sense ... and also, not very common.

Well there’s that dive he was talking about in the flight log. Likely was in an overspeed condition briefly there - Caravan’s are reliable by slow hogs. Good thing he didn’t yank on that yoke too hard like he said:

Not taking anything away from this guy AT ALL, but it says a lot about our current society when a guy saves himself by using (in his own words) "common sense."

Not to belittle the deed but there is a reason cessna’s tend to be a default trainer to learn to fly in.

And you thought food prices were high before, just wait until the diesel prices really start cranking up shipping costs.

Enough to pay for five years’ worth of gasoline.