
Under almost all circumstances, here is a message, don’t fly Air France. When 2 people in the cockpit fail to say loudly... as is mandatory “My Plane”, I don’t want to be aboard any flight run via their obviously poor system. It is STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE to say clearly ”MY PLANE” ...... 

In fairness, it probably never occurred to the driver that Detroit might be fixing a road.

No, you are mistaken. They were placed on the blacklist immediately upon throwing a tantrum. Across the airlines, there were thousands of people placed on these lists, only a few hundred are facing fines or criminal charges. Being blacklisted is the only punishment they are facing.

Even in countries where things were mandated from Day 1 and enforced with military patrols like Korea and Singapore COVID still made the rounds, and continues to.

The pandemic is over bud. Time to move on. Good luck with your tantrum

Do you also say “Fuck the CDC and Fauci” since the original mask mandate was set to be removed May 3rd anyway?

Yeah not all of them were charged. 

Yes, which is what I said. You made a blanket statement. 

“ which is a federal offence.”

“Good luck landing in international flight destinations.”

“Having a cold” never stopped restaurants from making employees show up to work in the Before Times.

There are no highly effective and universally available vaccines for asbestos or lead poisoning.

I think one reason why colds and flus are kicking people’s butts in length of time is that our bodies forgot how to fight them. Like my mom got her first cold in a couple years at the end of March and it’s still hanging on, my Dad’s got better in about 10 days (both tested negative several times for Covid, they are

Read the link. One way masking works. If you’re boosted and wearing an N95 you have very little to fear from anyone else near you.

I think its when the restaurants were allowing everyone to sit at tables with no masks, thats when i realized the mask thing was not really doing anything any longer.

This should have been done the instant N95s and adult vaccines were universally available.

Pretty sure he wasn’t making anyone remove their mask.

Get over it already

dude get a grip

$5 it’s “old” for the medical issue.